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The Beauty of Beaches

For me, beaches are a place for relaxation and rest.

The beauty of beaches is that it helps to get me out of my own head and look at things from a different perspective.

Luckily for me, I'm relatively local to a beach. Nothing beats watching the sunset on a beach.

Image from Pexels by Sebastian Voortman

So, why do beaches make us feel so calm?

In a recent article by Lifehack, they discuss some of the reasons why beaches are so calming.

The first reason is that the sounds of the ocean activate our prefrontal cortex. This is the area that is in charge of our emotions and self-reflection. This may explain why the beach is a good place for self-reflection or gaining perspective on things.

Another scientific reason for this is that the waves generate negative ions in our bodies. This means that our bodies can absorb more oxygen, which in turn balances the levels of serotonin in our bodies. Therefore, making us calmer and more relaxed.

It has also been said that going to the beach helps to lower the levels of the stress hormone, cortisol, in our bodies.

It is once again noted that the sounds and patterns of waves can have an effect on the emotions that we feel at the time.

The final explanation given in the article is that the flat surface of the ocean helps to calm us. The ability to be able to look at a stretch of water that goes on forever helps to ease our minds.

There has also been a lot of research done into the emotions that certain colours make us feel. It has been suggested that the colour blue makes us feel calmer and more secure.

Looking at these reasons, it really demonstrates the benefits of visiting a beach regularly.

If you don't live near a beach, even just a day trip could help to relax your mind.

It is important to take time out to let your brain rest.

A simple and enjoyable way to do that is simply getting outdoors and going to the beach.


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