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Endometriosis Awareness Month 2021

Endometriosis affects 1 in 10 women in the UK and 176 million women worldwide. This month is dedicated to spreading awareness of the condition and ending the stigma around it.

What is Endometriosis?

Endometriosis is a condition where the cells, like the ones that line the womb, are found elsewhere in the body. These cells still react the same way as those found in the womb.

In the womb these cells would leave the body during a period. However, these blood cells found elsewhere have no way to exit the body.

Image by Sora Shimazaki from Pexels

This can cause painful periods and can lead to further problems such as fatigue, infertility and bowl and bladder issues.

There are other additional effects of this condition. These include chronic pain and difficulty meeting social and work commitments. It can also impact a persons mental health as it has been linked to feelings of isolation and depression.

The cause of Endometriosis is still unknown.

How can you diagnose Endometriosis?

Image from Pexels

The condition on average takes 7.5 years to diagnose. This is because it's symptoms are similar to other conditions and is therefore more difficult to diagnose.

There is only one operation that can give a definite diagnosis of Endometriosis, this is through a laparoscopy.

If it is found during the operation there are ways it can be treated or removed.

Other forms of diagnosis such as blood tests or scans can not give a definite diagnosis.

What treatments are there?

There are three treatment methods for Endometriosis. One of these is the operation mentioned above.

The other two methods involve hormone treatments and pain relief.

There are several different hormone treatment options. It is advised that you discuss them with your doctor, who can give you more information about them and any possible side effects.

Pain relief methods range from applying heat, such as using a hot water bottle or having a hot bath, to physiotherapy or using Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Simulator machines.

Endometriosis costs the economy £8.2 billion a year in treatment, loss of work and healthcare costs.

This month is crucial to spread awareness and make people understand what the condition is and the ways it can affect a persons lifestyle.

If you need further information or support you can find resource links or local support groups on the Endometriosis UK website-

(All of the facts and statistics in this post are from Endometriosis UK).


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