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Choose to Challenge

Today, the 8th March, is International Woman's Day. This aims to highlight the still present gender inequalities around the world.

Image by Chelsi Peter from Pexels

It's also a time to celebrate the achievements of women and reflect on the changes that have already been made.

This years theme is 'Choose to Challenge'.

Challenge gender bias. Challenge gender inequality. Challenge gender stereotypes.

Choose to celebrate women's achievements.

The campaign is also calling for people who support it to post a picture with their hands up.

A report from the UN's Secretary-General showed that women are still underrepresented in public life and decision making.

We still don't have equal pay. Women around the world are working on the front-line tackling Covid-19. Yet, they aren't getting paid the same as the male front-line workers.

Can anyone find a reasonable explanation for this? I think not.

Women around the world are fighting for rights that should be a given.

Women in India have fought against sexual violence. Women in Lebanon are fighting against weak sexual harassment laws.

The same issues regarding women's rights are being shown around the world.

We need to work together to make change. International Women's Day helps to connect supporters of women rights around the world to create a cohesive aim.

Charities such as Rights of Women have led several campaigns for women rights. These include women's equality, fighting against domestic violence and forced marriage.

You as an individual can do small things to help. If you see inequality, call it out.

Stand up for those women who are being treated unfairly.

Women need to support women. That is the only way change will be made.

Let this years theme be a message to challenge the wrongs that you see and choose to be a active supporter of women's rights.


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