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4 Ways You Can Celebrate Easter

Happy Easter!

Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels

There are so many different Easter traditions. I am going to share with you some simple ways to celebrate Easter this year at home.

1. Decorate eggs

Photo by Cottonbro from Pexels

A fun way to celebrate Easter is to decorate eggs. This is a perfect activity for families.

Before the eggs are decorated they need to be boiled for 12 minutes. They will then need to be cooled and put in the fridge within two hours.

The eggs can then be decorated with dyes, pens and glitter.

You can search for design ideas or just wing it!

2. Easter egg hunt

Image by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

This is something that I looked forward to every Easter growing up.

It would not be Easter without a treasure hunt. You can hide little chocolate eggs or little chicks around the house and then compete for who can find the most.

It might be useful to note down where they are hidden so none get forgotten about.

3. Watch Easter movies

Photo by Lisa Fotios from Pexels

There are endless amounts of Easter movies that you can watch over the Easter weekend.

Some family favourites include Hop, Peter Rabbit and The Dog Who Saved Easter.

Other movies include Risen, Son of God and I Can Only Imagine.

It is also worth checking what films will be shown on the TV on Easter Sunday and Monday.

4. Baking

Photo by Suzy Hazelwood from Pexels

There are so many Easter baking recipes, from cupcakes to hot cross buns.

This is also useful if you have lots of chocolate left after Easter that you could use for baking.

I would recommend looking at BBC Good Food for a range of simple and exciting recipes.


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